REBUS partners Region of Crete spent two days in the Italian Tuscany Region on 13th and 14th March for an exchange visit.

The visit was organised for both, technical staff of the Region of Crete and stakeholders relevant to the specific building typology.

In particular, participated three engineers representing the Technical Department Services of the Region of Crete, Maria Smirnaki (Electrical Engineer), Eleni Stamataki (Architect), Eleftheria Zoaki (Civil Engineer) and two stakeholders, Artemisia Spanaki (Civil Engineer - Representative of the 7th Health Region of Crete) and Stathis Gryparis (Mechanical Engineer - Representative from the Technical Services Department of one of the main Hospitals in Crete).

Good Practices / Lessons Learnt

Visit to Versilia Hospital - Infrastructures in Tuscany Region:

Presentation of the experience of "Comprehensive thermal retrofitting programme implemented in Versilia Hospital"   

Presentation of Arezzo Hospitals retrofitting experience at the “Agenzia Fiorentina per l’ Energia”.   Points of relevance: implementing, monitoring, capacity building

Territorial need 

As hospitals are the most energy consuming public buildings, successful implementation of energy renovation projects can significantly contribute to our effort for improving energy efficiency and comfort conditions in the health units in Crete. Our basic territorial need addressed by the Good Practice is to get inspired by other Regions on how to effectively reduce energy consumption in hospitals and introduce new methods and effective combination of existing ones.

Adapting the described Good Practice's / Lesson Learnt to your territory

The Good Practice of Tuscany Hospital experience can provide us with knowledge and can be used as a guideline in the field of designing, implementing and monitoring in our existing and new health units in the Region of Crete. 

In the field of design: The energy efficient building envelope (orientation, insulation, materials, shading,  integration in the environment) can be taken under consideration in the designing phase so as to achieve an energy efficient building and upgrade the existing conditions. 

In the field of electromechanical equipment  and maintenance : The cogeneration system, as a very important element,  the use of renewable energy sources, the insulation and the good maintenance of the mechanical plant, as also the continuous renovation of the electromechanical equipment  with modern energy efficient ones. 

In the field of monitoring : A  properly designed  and implemented modern  BMS can be contribute to the energy efficiency of the building in a high percentage. Additionally we refer that this system has been well operated by a private energy company, through a contract with the public administration.  

Review of Overall Experience

The visit to Versilia Hospital Infrastructures in Tuscany Region and the general experience of Arezzo Hospitals was very interesting, informative and well organised.  

The meeting that was organised with the coordinators, the specialists, the engineers, the managers and the employees contributed to get a completed and overall review of the «Green Hospital» project in Tuscany. It is a great example of designing, organising, implementing and monitoring a renovation project, which can provide our Region with an important tool for planning, designing and renovating our public health infrastructures for upgrading their energy efficiency system.