Project News

Inter-organisational learning events in regions


REFORM is completing in December and January a series of inter-organisational...

Type: Project

Region in the spotlight: Greater Manchester


Every six months, REFORM puts one of the four REFORM regions in the spotlight....

Type: Project

REFORM supports Manchester Local Transport Summit


REFORM is supporting the organisation of the Manchester Local Transport Summit...

Type: Project

Successful REFORM conference on SUMPs


On Thursday 26 October 2017, representatives of cities, regions, national...

Type: Project

3rd Workshop and Policy Roundtable in Manchester


The 3rd REFORM meeting was held in Manchester between the 5th and 7th of...

Type: Project

Fruitful exchanges between cities in Bologna


Cities located in Emilia-Romagna and all stakeholders involved in the...

Type: Project

Region in the spotlight: Parkstad Limburg


Every six months, REFORM will put one of the four REFORM regions in the...

Type: Project

Share your sustainable mobility Good Practices


REFORM collects sustainable mobility Good Practices for its report “EU Good...

Type: Project

SUMPs in Emilia-Romagna: Workshop and Roundtable


REFORM partners Regione Emilia-Romagna and Istituto sui Trasporti e la Logistica...

Type: Project

Successful launch of REFORM in Thessaloniki


The REFORM project kicked-off in Thessaloniki on the first week of March 2017...

Type: Project

Get familiar with REFORM


REFORM works for the implementation and deployment of SUMPs as an instrument for...

Type: Project

REFORM: SUMPs to achieve low-carbon mobility


The new project REFORM supports the introduction of Sustainable Urban Mobility...

Type: Project