The capacity building event of REFORM project for Emilia-Romagna Region “Integration of the transport services, good practices and next step” was held on June 10th, 2022. This event was organised with Emilia-Romagna Region in cooperation with the Charter Engineering Society of Bologna, the local mobility agency SRM and transport organization TPER, transport stakeholder Trenitalia-TPER, and exploiting the synergies with other EU projects (MIMOSA, Sustourismo and Inter-Connect PLUS). The aim of the conference was to discuss the perspectives and the main Integrated ticketing solutions around Italy and EU. The First session was dedicated to providing the main updates at European level presenting international best practices overview, TEN-T regulation, impacts on regional Public Transport and on the SUMPs of Emilia-Romagna Region’s cities and REFORM best practices, the experience and the added value of the project. A Second session presented concrete case studies developed in Emilia-Romagna and other Italian and European cities which are in particular: the Emilia-Romagna Regional integrated public transport, the Romagna Rail Smart Pass, Demand responsive transport in Emilia-Romagna and IT Solutions for making the passenger transport more integrated. The event was targeted to: Public Authorities, Mobility agencies, Transport operators, IT responsible for transport App., Research organizations and was successfully attended by various expert stakeholders.