Do you speak Greek, then you should definitely check out page 37 & 38 of the latest brochure published by the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, which you can find here.

Do you speak Greek, then you should definitely check out page 37 & 38 of the latest brochure published by the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia, which you can find here.
Do you speak Greek, then you should definitely check out page 37 & 38 of the latest brochure published by the Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia...
Around 30 participants attended the participatory planning workshop, as part of the citizen interaction in the framework of the REFORM extension. The online eve...
An online follow-up event took place on 22 July to discuss the further plans to provide live public transport info at health sites.
This is a summary of the recent efforts of TfGM concerning their stakeholder engagement & capacity building activities related to the two topics of travelli...
The online event “Participatory and Citizen-led Urban Mobility Planning: Its implementation during the pandemic", was organised by Central Macedonia on 17/6/22.
The Regional Development Fund of Central Macedonia organised an online event on the topic of Participatory Planning in the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki on ...
Central Macedonia survey shows COVID-19 negative impact on PT with silver lining for active mobility
The capacity building event of REFORM project for Emilia-Romagna Region “Integration of the transport services, good practices and next step” was held on Ju...
Football matches, concerts, outdoor events, the Christmas holiday season and many other festivals - a city like Manchester is constantly facing an influx of peo...
REFORM has described the good practices from the three project partner cities of Thessaloniki, Manchester, and Bologna in detail. Nevertheless, it is very diffi...