Similar to the citizens survey of the other project partners, the regional survey for Emilia-Romagna, which was conducted by ITL, asked several hundreds of citizens in Bologna (60% of polled citizens) and the surrounding cities (40%). The survey, which was open from 31 March until 19 April 2022, aimed to understand the perspective of Emilia-Romagna residents over a series of issues related to Covid19 and mobility. A total of 350 respondents answered the survey.
The survey is part of the wider activity of REFORM’s ideation process with citizens and stakeholders. In each of the 3 regions an online survey (citizens) and an online workshop (stakeholders/ citizens groups) was be organized in order to better understand perspectives regarding mobility choices/ challenges/ opportunities during and after the COVID-19 period.
The pandemic did not have a major impact on the behaviour, especially in comparison to the much significant increase in fuel cost. The slight shift from PT to private cars during high period of COVID-19 bounced back after the first lockdown period. One positive note is the increased willingness to shift to sustainable transport modes. This would be even higher according to those polled, the public transport and cycling infrastructure should be improve in increase ridership.