REFORM partners all met in the town of Heerlen, located in Parkstad Limburg in the Netherlands, for two days of work, discussions and site visits.
Thursday 14th December was exclusively dedicated to internal discussions, among REFORM partners. The inter-organisational learning events as well as the efficient use of identified Good Practices in the regions' SUMP Action Plans were discussed in details.
On Friday 15th December, the REFORM partners welcome a group of local stakeholders for a workshop and a roundtable session in order to discuss issues directly related to the mobility situation in Parkstad Limburg. The workshop was attended by private and public mobility stakeholders from the wider region, including Aachen, Maastricht and the Dutch Province of Limburg. Topics such as electromobility and public transport provision were addressed. The objective of these sessions was to define what stakeholders would like to include in the local SUMP action plan, so that the region Parkstad Limburg can select these measures. After a discussion in five groups, the region Parkstad Limburg collected the inputs and will make use of the results for building their action plan.
To end the two-day programme, the partners visited the Maankwartier, a new part of the town center in Heerlen above the railway, guided by Mr. Michel Huisman, artist, inventor and architect of Maankwartier. The architect guided the group through this new multifunctional urban area of Maankwartier which will be ready by the end of 2018 and integrates the intercity and regional public transport hub for trains, busses and connections for cycling and pedestrians for all directions in town and the region.