At the occasion of the CIVITAS Forum in Graz (Austria), on 2 - 4 October, the European Commission published the second edition of the EU SUMP Guidelines. This document aims at accompanying and guiding all European (and beyond) authorities in the development and implementation of their Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans. The first version was published in 2013.

This updated version marks an important milestone in the take-up of new planning approaches in Europe. This comprehensive revision aims to integrate the dynamic developments in many areas of urban mobility and the rich experience of implementing the concept of Sustainable Urban Mobility Planning since 2013.

As a member of the EU SUMP Coordination Group, REFORM contributed to the development of the guidelines. In particular, the REFORM regions provided some examples of good practices. 

A dedicated SUMP Guide for Metropolitan Areas

Developing and implementing a SUMP in a Metropolitan area requires a somehow different approach. Therefore, a dedicated SUMP Guide for Metropolitan Areas has been published to accompany the main SUMP Guidelines. This guiding document has been co-drafted by REFORM and SUMPs-Up. 

This guide is partly based on the work carried out within the REFORM project. By way of examples, most of the recommendations formulated in REFORM Policy Paper as well as examples from the REFORM regions are included in the topic guide. The local examples are further developed in a dedicated annex document.

Read the guiding documents:

All documents are published on the Eltis portal: