The Region of Central Macedonia (RCM) implements two actions within REFORM: a regional Competence Center (CC) for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMPs), providing support to the regional cities, and a metropolitan Urban Mobility Observatory, which will collect, analyze and set up data of the local SUMPs, including monitoring indicators.  

The main achievement of RCM’s Action Plan implementation for 2020 was the launch of the observatory. Despite the delay in the procedures, the update of the timetable has been completed so that the monitoring indicators can be determined immediately within the first half of 2020. Data collection and network establishment between stakeholders have already begun.  Furthermore, until the end of this year there will be the first presentation of main indicators for the metropolitan area of Thessaloniki.

As far as the CC is concerned, a new module for the users to upload good practices from their SUMP development has been introduced. Cooperating partners (CERTH/HIT, RDFCM and RCM) plan to update the CC with tools and material that can facilitate SUMP cooperation and engagement during the COVID-19 pandemic and in its aftermath.

Further dissemination of the Competence Center among possible users will continue via various channels (traditional communication, presentation of the CC in various conferences, such as the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility and the 1st International Interdisciplinary Online Conference “The Traffic Society»). Liaison between the CC and the IR-E project e-smartec will facilitate the creation of advanced engagement techniques and methods.