South West Oltenia Regional Development Agency, as member of a Consortium formed of other 6 countries in the European Union, is implementing the REGIO–MOB Project – Interregional learning towards a sustainable mobility in Europe. The Project is financed by the European Regional Development Fund through the Interreg Europe Programme

The main objective of this project is to develop new strategic approaches in order to improve the policies for the mobility at regional level. The implementation period is of 48 months and will take place in two phases. The First Phase implies the interregional learning process, which will be finalised by implementing a mobility (action) plan. In the Second Phase, the Action Plan will be monitored.

An essential element of the first stage was the creation of a Stakeholders Group for the policy instrument addressed through this project.



The implementation of the project started at April 01, 2016, and has as main activities: the elaboration of the regional analysis in the mobility field, organisation of stakeholders groups at regional level and exchange of good practices which supposes the organisation of study visits in order to present the best practices examples identified by each partner.

On October the 5-th, The SW Oltenia Regional Development Agency, as a partner, organised THE REGIO – MOB INTERREGIONAL MEETING – Interregional learning towards a sustainable mobility in Europe, at the Arts Museum in Craiova.

At this meeting, took part the representatives of the project partners: Andalusian Institute of Technology – IAT,project leader ( Spain), Institute of Traffic and Transport Ljubljana ( Slovenia), Regional Association of Lazio Municipalities Anci Lazio, ( Italy), Niepolomice Municipality – Poland, Southeast Scotland Transport Partnership (Sestran) ( Scotland), as well as representatives of public administration ( county councils, municipalities, cities in the region), other institutions of the local and central public administration, universities, institutions responsible with planning and coordination of transportation and companies interested in developing the sustainable transportation in the South West Oltenia Region.

The Conference was a dissemination and discussion event regarding the results of the analysis on the mobility, drawn up by the project partners. Also, the event marked the beginning of the second stage of the project – the interregional experience exchange on the best practices identified.

Reaching the purpose established by the project will be achieved by acquiring new knowledge and through the exchange of experience and good practices between the partners at regional and local level. The final result will consist of the elaboration and implementation of the regional action plans in the mobility field, considering the sustainable development concept.

In the next period of time (October 2016–September 2017), the interregional exchange will take place regarding the best practices examples already identified and prioritised during the stakeholders meetings and study visits in Scotland, Italy, Spain, Poland and Slovenia.