Bringing together the Maltese blue economy stakeholders to improve policy and foster innovation
Malta Enterprise, in collaboration with the Malta Council for Science and Technology (MCST) and Malta Marittima, organised a business breakfast bringing together policy makers, experts and key stakeholders in the local Maritime sector in the light of the RELOS3 project. The participants discussed initial project findings and ideas on actions to address the main areas for improvement in the local maritime services industry, and the overarching Maltese blue economy sector.
The RELOS3 project is co-funded by Interreg Europe and focuses on implementing regional Smart Specialisation Strategies (RIS3) in a local context by actively involving local authorities, innovation actors and industry. Policy makers and experts from Estonia, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and Malta participate in the RELOS3 project to contrast, develop and improve local policies with the aim to facilitate deployment of priority investments and delivery of innovation at a local level.
Maritime services, and the overarching blue economy sector, has been identified locally as requiring particular action in this respect. Malta Enterprise together with MCST and Malta Marittima have undertaken the required research, stakeholder meetings and interregional visits, and are in the process of identifying the main issues the sector is dealing with and address these in a Local Action Plan, which will be presented to the Maltese Government by the end of 2018.