Our partners at Scottish Enterprise and Scotland Europa welcomed us with open arms to Scotland and had prepared a wonderful agenda for the two-day On-Site Deep Dive (OSDD). We heard about Scotland's response and resilience to the Covid-19 pandemic and also the long-term response to the manufacturing recovery. We were given an overview of the Scottish Enterprise's national programmes and priorities for innovation and international collaboration.

After the general presentations, we went deeper into three thematic areas

  1. Hydrogen and Zero Emissions Heavy Duty Vehicles,
  2. Future Healthcare Manufacturing, and
  3. Decarbonising Heat,

and looked into the opportunities for interregional cooperation among those topics. There was a lot of discussion on mutual interests, the potential of joining forces, and the strong will on both sides to foster tight relations between Scotland and other partner regions despite Brexit.

During the OSDD, we also had the chance to go on an industrial tour in Glasgow's innovation districts: