Check out the S34Growth newsletter to see what we have been up to during the first project year. You are also more than welcome to follow us on Twitter @S34Growth.

Check out the S34Growth newsletter to see what we have been up to during the first project year. You are also more than welcome to follow us on Twitter @S34Growth.
A video summary of the S34Growth years.
The last live meeting of S34Growth.
Stakeholders from S34Growth partner regions got together online.
S34Growth partners came together in the beginning of June and enjoyed two informative and fruitful days in Glasgow.
All partners present in the online OSDD last week.
How have regions supported industry?
Lively exchange of experience online ten days ago.
Our proposal for a one-year extension has been approved.
Five Interreg Europe projects taking part in the RegioStars competition.
A voucher scheme for all SMEs in the EU and working in the field of bio-based industry.