On 21st of February, a RISG meeting was organised by the Province of Limburg at the premises of the Chemelot InSciTe in Geleen. The meeting, which was dedicated to the action plan development, was opened by the director of the Chemelot Institute for Science & Technology (InSciTe). After that, a presentation was given about the findings concerning the action plan development of Limburg. The action plan includes three ideas for actions that will be the core of the regional actions plan: (1) Improving final call for proposals with respect to biobased materials, (2) leading and actively participating in the S3 Chemical Platform and (3) further enhancing the cooperation between BMC and the Fraunhofer IMWS towards SME`s.  In addition, the RISG discussed several aspects of these actions and other ideas. The RISG meeting and previous meetings of the same format are highly valued by stakeholders. Stakeholders therefore agreed to extend these meetings which could probably take place in the context of the S3Platform for chemistry.