Some representatives of SCALE UP project will in Budapest on 21-23 January 2020 to attend three project seminars organized by Interreg Europe. Those seminars are primarily targeted at lead partners, finance managers and communication managers of projects approved in the fourth call. 

The seminar on finance reporting (21 January) covers information and updates on financial reporting and control procedures and requirements related to the management of Interreg Europe projects. It offers also an opportunity to exchange on this matter with the joint secretariat and financial managers and first level controllers of other projects. The seminar is targeted at lead partners, lead partner finance managers and lead partner’s first level controllers of Interreg Europe projects. 

The seminar on activities and results (22 January) focuses on activity reporting, including both theory and practice. In addition to learning about the expectations and requirements related to reporting of project activities, good practices and results, the participants will also get useful tips and practical advice from other experienced lead partners. The seminar is targeted at lead partners of Interreg Europe projects.

The seminar on communication (23 January) provides guidance on the Interreg Europe publicity requirements, as well as some helpful advice and tips for making project communication activities as effective and attractive as possible. The seminar includes practical training on developing your project's story, media relations, and online presence. It is targeted at lead partners and communication managers of Interreg Europe projects. 

The first two meeting will be attended by the lead partner of the consortium INFO MURCIA, while the seminar on communication will be followed by one representative of EURADA.