On 17 and 18 of April 2018 partners’ representatives met in Reggio Emilia -Italy, for the third Project Meeting and for the Thematic Training on Education.

The meeting was the occasion to share some results about the survey on travel behaviors carried out in the cities and to plan Study Visits.

The Thematic Training hosted some interesting experiences of school mobility management.

Mr. Valter Baruzzi, professor of Citizenship Education at the University of Bologna and scientific director of the Camina association, gave a speech on “School mobility, an opportunity for growth for children, schools and the community”. Baruzzi stressed that municipalities need to promote participative alliances of parents, children, associations and the community to enhance a cultural change in mobility.

Mrs. Nives Fedel from Bolzano showed good practices from her municipality, such as temporary school streets, walking bus and other educational measures. Vigilant grandparents (in Italian called “Nonni vigili”) in Bolzano became children’s cops: half an hour before schools start, retired grandparents under 75 years old were paid to monitor pedestrian zones since 1998.