SILVER SMEs is coming to an end, and it is time to take a look back at the project’s achievements, available at a glance in our results factsheet!
By 2070, 30% of the European population will be aged 65 and over, 10% more than today. Rural and mountain areas are particularly affected by this demographic change and need to develop living environments that meet the needs of older people.
Launched in June 2018, SILVER SMEs is a 5-year Interreg Europe project. It aims to support regional policies in rural and mountain areas by showing the potential of SMEs to develop new, innovative products and services for the benefit and joy of an older population. By supporting the development of new SMEs in the Silver Economy, a key objective is to stimulate the growth and competitiveness of rural and mountain areas.
The project is led by the Spanish province of Teruel and the other 8 project partners come from Ireland, Slovenia, Portugal, Spain, France, Sweden and Poland. Discover SILVER SMEs in brief in our brochure or in our presentation video!
What are the main achievements of SILVER SMEs?
KNOWLEDGE: Since 2018, SILVER SMEs partners have analysed their regional contexts in relation to ageing and the potential of the Silver Economy sector. Based on interviews with SMEs, social partners, researchers, and policy makers, 8 regional analyses have been carried out to understand the opportunities as well as the obstacles for the development of the Silver Economy in our regions. A composite SWOT analysis and 9 interactive infographics also summarise the specificities of our 8 rural and mountain areas.
GOOD PRACTICES: Partners have also shared regional experiences and inspiring good practices that support both business creation and the quality of life of rural older adults. From housing to mobility, leisure activities, tourism and ICT, these examples can inspire innovative solutions to better cope with ageing in rural and mountain areas. These good practices are available in our good practices database and a selection of the most inspiring ones can be found in our 3 best practices brochures.
ACTION PLANS: SILVER SMEs partners have made a difference at local and regional level. Based on the exchange of knowledge and the analysis of their local context, they have designed and implemented 8 Action Plans for the development of the Silver Economy in rural and mountain areas. Each Action Plan contains a series of tailor-made measures, ranging from awareness raising to business training, from links with research to the integration of the Silver Economy into local and regional policies. Several will have an impact beyond the duration of the SILVER SMEs project.
EVENTS: The lessons learnt on ageing and the rural Silver Economy were also discussed in detail with researchers, experts and regional and European policy makers during various thematic seminars, the SILVER SMEs 2021 mid-term conference and the 2023 closing event.
Our results factsheet is available in English, French, Polish, Portuguese, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish!
You can also discover or rediscover our Action Plans, brochures, infographics and much more in the library!