32 participants issued from the one-stop-shops (SUAPs is the Italian acronym) coordination group from the metropolitan area of Bologna, met online on 17th May 2022. The event was led by Sara Maldina, head of the office for coordination and simplification for local businesses. The meeting was opened by Giovanna Trombetti, Director of the Economic Development, then Orsola Milani presented the status of the Since-AFC project and the local action plan. In particular the guidelines setting for the local markets were presented, following three main themes: organic materials, inorganic materials and short supply chain. Representatives from the local municipalities were asked to provide feedbacks and suggestion for improvement. The methodology foresees a first draft of the guidelines, that will be submitted to SUAPs for their feedback during the summer or at the beginning of autumn. Once the comments are received, the text will be amended following them and the final version will be drafted. The guidelines in their final complete version will be presented to the business representative working group, so that they can discuss them and decide the most suitable actions for their spreading and adoption. The results of a previously conducted survey were also presented, which naked interesting aspects: in fact they outlined how local markets are – in most cases – losing their variety and interests for the general public. Indeed, SUAPs that are in charge of their organisation are interested in their promotion and innovation as a pivot place for locals.