Project good practices

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Station Zero is specialized store for goods without packaging with a wide range of products - from environmentally friendly personal accessories &products to
Location: Югозападен, Bulgaria (България)
Project: SinCE-AFC
These reusable straws offer the same benefits as a plastic straw to all stakeholders and beneficiaries.
Location: Северен централен, Bulgaria (България)
Project: SinCE-AFC
Low-carbon cement based on new types of clinker has been created. Alternative binding materials rely on different raw material/mixes are developed.
Location: Североизточен, Bulgaria (България)
Project: SinCE-AFC
An environmentally friendly way to produce steam and heat from waste biomass
Location: Североизточен, Bulgaria (България)
Project: SinCE-AFC
In the modern world, the human population is growing and with it the need to utilize the waste that is generated. In a context of growing demand for phosphorous
Location: Североизточен, Bulgaria (България)
Project: SinCE-AFC
An automated cheese factory on the basis of the existing factory, set up a pulverizing plant processing sweet whey as a by-product of cheese production.
Location: Észak-Alföld, Hungary (Magyarország)
Project: SinCE-AFC
Providing locally grown food with better quality, in bigger quantities, using sustainable growing practices, working at local, national and international scale.
Location: Észak-Alföld, Hungary (Magyarország)
Project: SinCE-AFC
A biogas plant generating electricity, and the remaining heat can be used for many other things. The biogas plant partly serves energy production.
Location: Észak-Alföld, Hungary (Magyarország)
Project: SinCE-AFC
As a result of the innovation, a completely new selective collection system is being developed.
Location: Közép-Magyarország, Hungary (Magyarország)
Project: SinCE-AFC
In the Cekker we can buy by taking our own containers and bottles with us, but we can also buy bags made of canvas locally.
Location: Észak-Alföld, Hungary (Magyarország)
Project: SinCE-AFC
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