The first part of the meeting, the project team presented the best practices shared and visited during the second interregional meeting held on 19 February in Bologna. The exchange of knowledge also focused mainly on the issue of cooperation within the thematic conference “The circular economy as a model of virtuous economic development for policies aimed at small and medium-sized enterprises in agriculture the food chain “at Palazzo Malvezzi.
During the second part of the meeting, Representatives of Devnya Cement AD and Agropolichim AD presented their good practices "Commitment to Sustainable Environment, Global Strategies and Sample Projects" and "Circular Economy for Straw".
Moreover, the meeting was attended by representatives of the Regional Information Center - Varna, who introduced to the participants the activities of the center and the opportunities for obtaining information and advice on project financing under the individual Operational Programs.
The third part of the meeting was devoted to discussions and comments of the participants to further stages of project implementation.
The event involved the participation of several local stakeholders.