On December 10, 2020, the first Italian stakeholder meeting was held, organized by the Directorate General for Business Incentives (DGIAI) of the Ministry of Economic Development, the Italian partner in the SMEPlus project. During the meeting, the project was presented to national and regional stakeholders who have shown interest in joining the project. These are Confindustria, CNA, CNA Campania and Confartigianato Imprese. The meeting was also attended by INVITALIA. The DGIAI of the Ministry of Economic Development represents Italy in the SMEPlus project that is supported by the Interreg Europe program and coordinated by the University of Gävle in Sweden. European partners in the project include development agencies, regional and provincial administrations from Germany, Austria, Spain, the Netherlands and Romania.

The objective of the SMEPlus project is to exchange best practices with partners from other EU member countries participating in the project in order to draw up an action plan that suggests and/or implements a new measure or a new scheme of direct aid to investments in energy efficiency of industrial SMEs. Due to the Covid-19 emergency, the meeting was held online. Participants discussed past and present national energy policies and possible new measures and tools to promote energy efficiency in industrial SMEs, as well as the goals and activities of the SMEPlus project.