On September 22nd to 24th the Smooth Ports partners came together for a physical partner meeting in Monfalcone. This was the first time in 18 months, due to the pandemic. All partners appreciated the fact that exchange of experience and project progress could be discussed and undertaken face to face.

The Municipality of Monfalcone organised a great programme surrounding the partner meeting and giving a great overview of their regional situation. The event finished off with a very well received event with coverage in local news and a high attendance of stakeholders.

Some media coverage could be found here: https://www.adriaports.com/en/logistics/waiting-for-ecological-transition-train-as-the-ideal-solution-to-reduce-emissions/https://www.adriaports.com/en/logistics/waiting-for-ecological-transition-train-as-the-ideal-solution-to-reduce-emissions/ . A 3 page announcement of the event was also made in the local paper.

Copyright cover picture William Iven on Pixabay