In the frame of the ERDF-funded project ‘Arjen turvallisuuden kansainvälinen yhteistyö’ (International cooperation in community based civil safety) the publication Arjen turvaa Lapissa: Osallisuus, palvelut ja elinkeinot -Community based civil safety in Lapland: Inclusion, services and livelihoods was released in November 2018. SOCENT SPAs project experts Sari Nisula and Marlene Kohllechner-Autto participated in the publication with their article ‘From social enterprises to a socially sustainable economy’. Although the article itself is in Finnish, below please find a short excerpt:
The world is full of good examples of social enterprises and social economy. While In Finland, the law on work-integration social enterprises might be repealed, in Slovakia a new law on work-integration social enterprises has been launched in the spring of 2018. On the one hand, it has been pondered during international events, whether laws governing social enterprises and work-integration social enterprises should be taken up on a broader basis. On the other hand, there are more flexible and precise ways than legislation to influence the development and support of social enterprises and the social economy. By taking into account the potential of social enterprises and the social economy for regional development and the creation of favourable and supportive circumstances for their foundation, their appearance in municipal and regional strategies canachieve concrete impact on a regional level. Strongly connected and needed here is the exchange of expertise and knowledge between different regions.
For our Finnish-speaking followers, the article and the whole publication can be accessed through this Article.