The Lapland University of Applied Sciences hosted the first bilateral visit in the frame of the SOCENT SPAs project from the 20th to the 21st of March 2019. The topic of the bilateral visit was sustainable public procurement.

During the visit, the participants from Brandenburg visited the municipality of Kittilä, which last year published its first sustainable procurement strategy. Furthermore, participants got to experience firsthand, what a regional produce – focused procurement strategy tastes like while visiting the central kitchen in Sodankylä. During a workshop in the afternoon of the last day of the visit, all participants pondered how the lessons learnt in Lapland could be applied to Brandenburg and transferred to the Action Plan.  

This was our programme:

19th March

Arrival in Rovaniemi, transfer to Levi

19.30 Joint dinner: optional

20th March

10-11.30 Skype meeting Örebro county

Meeting room: check screens in hotel lobby for room number

11.30-12.30 Lunch at hotel

12.30-13 Transfer to Kittilä

13-16 Visiting KIDEVE – Sustainable Procurement project

Ms Katja Kaunismaa, Project manager

16-18 Transfer to and accommodation in Sodankylä

19-21 Dinner Restaurant Kievari & Krouvi

21th March

8.30-11 Visiting Sodankylä municipality procurement process – TBC

11-12 Lunch, courtesy of Sodankylä central kitchen

12-13.30 Transfer to Rovaniemi

13.30-15.30 Workshop: From new ideas to concrete action (plan)

Multidimensional Tourism Institute, Viirinkankaantie 1, Rovaniemi

Individual departure back to Levi

22nd March

Departure from Rovaniemi
