The EPIC non-profit organization has been operating in Slovakia since 2012 and is a subsidiary of the EPIC Assistorganization with headquarters in Brisbane, Australia. EPIC n.o. is a member of the American Chamber of Commerce, the Social Innovation Europe network and follows up on the values and mission of its parent organization.

Vision: Being an innovative and unique provider of community-oriented services. 

Mission: Empower individuals and communities in theirenvironment in overcoming disadvantage, thus allowing them to make full use of their potential. 


• Increase awareness of employing people with various kinds of disadvantages,

• Initiate and assist in preparation and implementation of programs focused on increasing employment at the local level,

• Influence development of public policies in the areas of employment and social inclusion of marginalized groups.

We seek to accomplish our goals particularly through five main programs: 

- Supporting employment of people with disabilities

- Supporting municipal social enterprises

- Supporting youth employment

- Supporting international labour mobility

- Supporting public policies