Presentation of STAR Cities' partner Lazio Region

The Lazio Region is a public administration in charge with the governance of the regional territory with important functions like the management of public health, environmental protection and parks, urban planning and important tasks in planning resources for tourism development, culture promotion, SMEs financing. Furthermore, the Lazio Region is managing authority for the European Structural and Investment Funds, such as ERDF, EAFRD and ESF. 

What is your role in STAR Cities ? 

The Lazio Region is responsible for the policy instruments considered in the project by the Italian partners involved. The regional Agency for Tourism has the mission to prepare proposals for programs and sector plans, in particular multi-annual tourist planning and implementation tools envisaged by the current regional legislation, as well as any updates and procedures for monitoring their implementation.

Within the STAR Cities project, the Lazio Region will be in charge with the development of the Action Plans, providing methodology, templates and support for the Action plans writing.  

Why have you decided to join STAR Cities and what do you expect from it ?

The Lazio Region, within its functions of environmental protection of riverside areas and tourism promotion aims at improving its knowledge and capacity to intervene with significant projects and new models of governance to improve sustainable tourism in the riverside cities. The Interreg EUROPE STAR Cities project represents an important opportunity to pursue this goal.

What are the main stakeholders you are planning to involve in STAR Cities ? What is your organisation's  relationship with them ?

The Lazio Region has identified diverse categories of subjects potentially interested in providing input to the STAR Cities project: Universities, SMEs in the tourism and cultural sectors, sportive associations, neighbourhoods associations, umbrella organizations of bodies with diverse interests. The Lazio Region works in partnership with some of them and normally involve them in the decision making process aimed at planning the regional funding or in the sectoral legislative process of its competence.

What are your territory goals and challenges related to riverside tourism development? How would you ideally see your region develop over the next few years?  

The Lazio Region’s ambition is to increase the competitiveness of its territory through the improvement of attractiveness of the landscape and the capacity of enhance the tourist offer. Our region should become a region of the innovation, talent and sustainability.