09.15 Registration and coffee
09.45 Orientation, musical presentation
09.50 Opening speech: Chair of the steering group of the Business Transfer Forum
Jari Huovinen, Head of the Entrepreneurship Group (EK), Confederation of Finnish Industries EK
10.00 Major Challenges Outlined by the Business Transfer Barometer 2018
Elina Varamäki, Vice Rector, DSc, Docent, Seinäjoki Polytechnic
10.20 How to find a buyer
Project Manager Mika Haavisto, Federation of Finnish Entrepreneurs
10.35 Value Assignment - From Challenge to Opportunity
Area Manager Janne Koivuniemi, Finnvera
10.50 Preparing for financing
Director Matti Vainionpää, Danske Bank
11.05 Effective transfer of ownership
Director Markku Fränti, Nordea
11.20 Ensuring the transition of competence
Chief Financial Officer Silja Bjondahl, Elo
11.35 Questions and Answers
12.00 Lunch
13.00 New generation, new digital age: from the elms to the smart kitchen
Chairman of the Board Peter Fredman, Fredman Group Oy
13.30 The company's growth path through ownership change
Tuomas Lötjönen, Managing Director, TMT Pro Service Oy
14.00 Coffee break, coffee
The members of the BT forum discuss their activities with their own demonstration points
14.30 Regional Cooperative co-operation
panel discussion
15.00 Controlled waiver
Lawyer Lassi Nyyssönen, Attorneys at Law Fenno
15.30 The state of the business market
CEO Juha Rantanen, Finnish Acquisitions
15.50 Summary of the event
Matti Härkönen, KavuRoihu
16.00 Sparkling wine and cocktail party
17.00 Closing of the event