Chamber of Commerce of Molise will held the ThirdSymbi Project Regional Stakeholder Meeting in Italy on the 29th of September. The Location of the meeting will beChamber of Commerce of Molise premises in Campobasso, Molise.

The STK Meeting will focus on the theme of “PPP - PUBLIC PRIVATE PARTNERSHIP”, one of the key theme in the process of fostering the use and diffusion of Circular Economy and Industrial Symbiosis.

The meeting will be attended by regional and national experts in the theme and will be a very good occasion for regional Stakeholder to deepen knowledge about PPP Private Public Partnership.

Among the several experts a relevant role will be represented by ENEA, the Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Developments which has several PPP on going and it will presents its successful cases. Furthermore the meeting will see the Participation also of referents from the Department for Programming and Coordination of Economic Policy of Italian Government, this department is in charge of policy planning on PPP.