The Baltic Institute of Finland, partner in TraCS3, attended the thematic workshop 'Better monitoring, evaluating and designing regional research and innovation strategies for smart specialisation (RIS3) in Brussels on 25 September 2019.
The workshop was a great learning experience for the TraCS3 project.
Peter Berkowitz from the Directorate-General Regional and Urban Policy presented the view of the European Commission as to waht is expected from RIS3 in the post 2020 period. The Commission will stress the importance of smart specialisation even more than before and special focus shall be put on the RIS3 governance. In addition, Peter Berkowitz emphasised the fact that RIS3 should be a living document that is revised and updated along the way.
The event was organised by the Policy Learning Platform of Interreg Europe. Regional authorities, policy experts and Interreg Europe project partners were invited to join.
Read the conclusions of the workshop