On the 27th of April, the North-West Regional Development Agency has organized the 2nd meeting of the TRAM Stakeholders Group in Cluj. The SG in Northern Transylvania is made up of representatives from local administration, universities, public transport companies, a county level policy department as well as NGOs and representatives of the local business environment. The event has been moderated by the newly appointed ITRE expert within the TRAM project and has had two main objectives: on one hand, to identify the main difficulties encountered by members of the SG in elaborating and implementing their SUMPs and to identify good practices in the region in the field of urban mobility which tackle the 3 main topics of the TRAM project (transport policies, ITS as well as measures for reducing CO2 emissions and green transport) on the other.
During the interactive work session, PP5 with the help of the ITRE expert has managed to pinpoint a series of successful initiatives which can be included in the final list of GPs identified at consortium level and which will represent the starting point for defining the final list of GPs which will be analyzed during the study visit, due to take place in the second part of June, this year. During the event, members of the SG will have the chance to get acquainted with experts and similar organizations from the other partner regions.