Last 8 February 2018, TRAM Lead Partner, Marche Region, hosted its 3rd Stakeholder Group meeting for an update of the project activities and to illustrate the forthcoming ones.

Lead partner’s team illustrated the Good practices that have been studied in the previous Study Visits and ITW, organized in Spain and Hungary.

Furthermore, back-to-back events that will take place in Ancona (Italy) next March 2018 were described, with a particular focus on the Interregional Thematic Workshop “Smart technologies and ITS as key enabler for urban mobility”. The external expert of Marche Region, Mr Franceschini, presented the GPs that will be investigated during the ITW collecting valuable feedbacks from participants.

Of course, stakeholders were invited to take part to Ancona’s ITW to compare directly with TRAM partners and their local stakeholders.

Finally, it has been anticipated that next semester of TRAM project will focus on drafting Regional Action Plans, and stakeholders will be directly involved in the process.