Last Monday, June the 11th, the third Local Stakeholder Group meeting on the part of Public Works Agency of the Andalusia Regional Government took place in Seville.

The meeting brought together stakeholders from the General Directorate of Mobility of the Public Works and Housing Counseling, Seville University experts, sustainable mobility Companies Ciclogreen and Consultora Alomon, and sustainable mobility experts Rafael Sánchez and Manuel Calvo.

The objective of the meeting was to make a first evaluation of the compiled GP, by following the methodology that is being prepared by the Interregional Team of Regional Experts of the project for the drafting of the different Action Plans that will be developed over the next few months.

The partner team explained the main issues that have been presented in the different Interregional Thematic Workshops and in the Study Visits. After that, the floor was opened and the stakeholders gave their opinion about the most relevant topics to be taken into consideration, together with the main problems to solve from their point of view, to be considered during the drafting of the Action Plan.

Due to the huge amount of information that was given and discussed, in a few days will be sent a questionnaire to all stakeholders, so they will have the chance to give any additional ideas that may be put forward after time for personal reflection”.