INTERREG EUROPE – project TRAM Final dissemination event

TRAM final dissemination event marks an important milestone on the track set and followed by the project. It has been 5 years of interregional cooperation, of exchanging od good practices and of learning from others.

This event will provide information on sustainable urban mobility and planning, with an eye to the EU funding and on how European funding can be used to develop new policies and practices or improve existing ones.

It will also provide a precious opportunity for stakeholders and policy makers to get new momentum in this delicate phase, where we run the risk of being overwhelmed by the epidemic.


When : 26 November2020 

Where : Online  - please REGISTER HERE

For whom : The event will bring together key actors from across the EU, who responsible for urban planning and urban sustainable mobility. Stakeholders from national and local authorities in the Member States, in particular from Italy, Spain, Sweden, Hungary and Romania, since project partners come from these specific Countries.  

Project partners will give their speech about policy and territorial impact, focusing on the relevance of exchanging good practices and how develop a fruitful strategy for territorial urban planning. Finally, example of successful pilot action will be illustrated.

The Joint Secretariat of the Interreg Europe programme will be present and give an important contribution.