The last policy learning clinic in this phase of the project was held in Vilnius (6-7th September). This was an opportunity for the partner cities to see the current innovation and maker space eco-system, which exists in Vilnius and to work with the city to address the challenge they set the clinic around ensuring the sustainability and connectivity of the current (very well developed) provision.

Representatives from three other cities attended the meeting, Birmingham, Bratislava and Kranj in Slovenia. The breath of the provision for artists, makers and creative business was noted by all the partner cities and a number of important learning points and ideas for future policy changes were taken back to their home cities.

The range of study visits undertaken during the meeting are below.:

VGTU Link Menų fabrikas 

Maker Space based at Vlinius Technical University to support students with their practical work.


Pat Sau Maker Space

Maker Space for children at the National Library of Lithuania in the heart of the city. 

Užupis Art Incubator 

Artist Studios and accomodation in the heart of the Uzupis Republic!


Vilnius Tech Park Sapiegos

A renovated hospital in a park in central Vlinius proividing incubation and co-working space for a vast array of start-up tech businesses – it is the largest Tech start-up hub in the Baltics. 


Miesto Laboratory 

A community centre, maker space and café created by the people for the people with an environmentally friendly ethos.


Menų fabrikas LOFTAS

Versatile creative maker space in the newly rejuvenated Up-town area of Vilnius providing event, production and gallery space for the local community. 

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