The BUILD2LC Boosting Low Carbon Innovative Building Rehabilitation project held its final on-line event last 3rd of December 2020, with 93 participants from all over Europe.

The meeting was opened by Francisco Javier Ramírez, General Manager of the Andalusian Energy Agency, leader of this project. During the opening session the BUILD2LC project was presented, taking into account 5 years of the project since April 2016,  more than 70 good practices and 7 Action Plans implemented.

During the event, results from the Interreg Europe Programme were presented by Charo Camacho from the Joint Secretariat, who presented the results of the programme, including the Policy Learning Platform and other energy efficiency related projects .

We continued with a presentation on the role of the S3 Interregional Partnerships, by Isabelle Seigneur from the European Commission, and showing the European way of bringing buildings into the circular economy by Josefina Lindblom from DG Environment of the European Commission.

The project presented its final results, including an Innovation Map related to the partner regions, 4 interregional thematic seminars, 7 study visits, 9 bilateral meetings and 4 multilateral meetings among partners, involving 32 good practice exchanges, as well as 35 regional workshops with stakeholder groups, and 7 dissemination events at regional level and 1 high level dissemination event at European level.

During the on-line meeting each partner presented their Regional Action Plan.

During the first session partners shared their results from experiences on New Financial Instruments. Encouraging the demand and promotion of investments, facilitating citizens undertaking energy rehabilitation activities, going beyond grants and exploring new solutions, with presentations from Lithuania, Slovenia and the Sustainable Construction Programme from Andalusia.

The second session focused on the Professionalization of the Construction Sector. Promoting the competitiveness of the business network: reformulating business models (ESCOS) and integrating all actors in the value chain of the energy rehabilitation sector. The  Action Plan from RRDA Poland, RHJ Sweden, the Building and Civil Engineering Institute in Slovenia and Training Future installers by Severn Wye Energy Agency in UK were presented.

During the following working session related to the New Energy Culture, Citizen Involvement and Energy Poverty, partners presented the Housing and Health by SWEA in U.K, the Energy Poverty Action Plan in Croatia by an expert from the Ministry of Physical Planning Construction and State Asset, and the results of Slovenia’s Action Plan.

The last session focused on Innovation and how to encourage innovative solutions by the use of new materials, boosting public procurement, and the cooperation between companies and knowledge institutes. Presentations were made from the REDEJA Energy Management Network of the Andalusian Energy Agency, the Innovativon System Dominium by LEAG in Slovenia, a Pilot Project from Innovation Passive Building from Member of Podkarpackie Chamber of Civil Engineers in Poland, and the presentation of Innovation Actions of Region Jämtland Härjedalen.

The BUILD2LC project involved the participation of 7 European regions: the Andalusian Energy Agency in Spain (co-ordinator); the Public Investment and Development Agency of Lithuania, VIPA; Severn Wye Energy Agency Ltd, SWEA, in the UK; Rzeszow Regional Development Agency, RRDA in Poland; North-West Croatia Regional Energy Agency, REGEA; Region Jämtland Härjedalen, RJH, Sweden and the Local Energy Agency of Gorenjska, LEAG in Slovenia and it is financed by the Interreg Europe Programme of the European Commission. 

Presentations are available at: LIBRARY