The 3rd Portuguese Regional Stakeholders Workshop happened on 22 April 2021 and it took place online, due to the pandemic situation.
With the title "The best that is done around here! - Evaluation and co-construction of the Good Practices of the CAPonLITTER project", this event was organized by the Portuguese Partners: PP2 - Portuguese Environment Agency (APA) and LP1 - NOVA School of Science and Technology, NOVA University Lisbon (FCT-NOVA).
The workshop focused on the evaluation of Good Practices that had been submitted by the invited stakeholders, prior to the workshop, so they could be evaluated by a Team of Experts. The workshop started with the Welcome Session, where José Carlos Ferreira, Project Coordinator from LP1 - FCT-NOVA welcomed all the participants to the 3rd Regional Stakeholders Workshop.
José Carlos Ferreira was followed by Margarida Nunes, from PP2 - APA, who also welcomed the participants and reinforced the importance of the stakeholders for the development and improvement of the policies.
Then the Project Manager, Cláudio Macedo Duarte, and the Project Co-coordinator, Lia Vasconcelos, both from LP1 - FCT-NOVA, explained the participation methodologies which were going to be used in the event.
The stakeholders were divided into four breakout rooms, where they could evaluate the previously submitted Good Practices. The distribution of the stakeholders throughout the different breakout rooms had also already been previously defined, in order to avoid conflicts of interest (e.g.: stakeholders evaluating the Good Practice(s) they submitted).
In this workshop, 12 Good Practices were evaluated and co-constructed. The results of this evaluation, combined with the evaluation performed by the Experts, have been sent to the stakeholders responsible for each Good Practice, so they can improve their Good Practices and submit them to the Interreg Europe website.
Even in an online format, the stakeholders found the workshop extremely successul - as explained by the Evaluation Form.