Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) is a network organisation consisting of 31 members present in 24 countries. They are registered in the Netherlands but now based in Brussels, with a mission of leading the transition towards a zero waste Europe. To implement their vision, they help empower communities and change agents from around Europe to redesign their relationship with resources, to adopt smarter lifestyles and sustainable consumption and production patterns in line with circular resource management.
Zero Waste Europe has been at the forefront of the zero waste movement for the past decade. During this time, it has developed significant experience and expertise on leading a fast-growing movement of communities, local leaders, businesses, experts and other “change agents” working towards the same vision: eliminating waste in our society. Their work focuses on four main areas, Zero Waste Cities and Communities; Zero Waste Production and Consumption; Climate, Energy and Air Pollution; and plastic, with ZWE hosting the European coordination of Break Free From Plastic and the Rethink Plastic alliance.
Zero Waste Europe's approach focuses on resource management, moving away from traditional waste management systems.
Jack McQuibban, Zero Waste Europe's Cities Programme Coordinator, will be leading their engagement in the project. Jack coordinates the Cities programme that consists now of over 400 municipalities in 9 European countries who have committed to becoming zero waste, by adopting local strategies that increase recycling rates, implement effective waste prevention measures and phase out the need for harmful disposal methods. Jack is responsible for overseeing the work done by Zero Waste Europe's network of 31 member organisations with municipalities and cities, developing tools and resources that support the design, implementation and monitoring of effective zero waste programmes in a range of European contexts. Jack has several years' experience working in the fields of sustainability and global development, having led successful campaigns to influence environmental and youth policies at the UN, EU and UK levels of governance
ZWE’s members have a deep and prominent role within the organisation’s work, used to utilize the network's collective experience to support Europe’s transition towards a zero waste future. Zero Waste Europe and its network of members create joint resources, campaigns and tools that build on the expertise that exists within the organisation, to both advocate for ambitious waste legislation from the EU in Brussels and to support the implementation of effective zero waste policies and strategies in local communities.
You can read about the experiences of Alba Cabrera, from our member Rezero, who attended the first inter-regional learning event of the CapOnLitter project in March 2020 here.
ZWE members will regularly engage in the CapOnLITTER project, given their expertise in designing and implementing effective waste prevention policies in municipalities across several European coastal regions. For example, our member Rezero in Spain has been successfully working with the Municipality of the Region of Barcelona on a zero beach project, aimed at preventing waste on its coastline through the adoption of smoke-free beaches, a simulation of a DRS for beverage containers with economic ,and awareness-raising measures promoting reusables at the beach.
For specific enquiries, you contact contact Zero Waste Europe on [email protected]
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