MerTerre (PP7) is one of the 9 European partners of the CAPonLITTER project. Located on a territory facing heavy coastal tourism issues, MerTerre will use its field experience and developed network to capitalize good coastal practices and improve policies to prevent marine litter. 

MerTerre is a 20 years old association located in Marseille (South-East of France) federating a large panel of actors. MerTerre aims at reducing pollution by litter ending-up at sea through (1) the development of citizen science based tools to characterize marine litter, (2) the coordination of a wide ‘zero waste’ target network (waste pickers, NGOs, Sports Club, Natural reserve managers, etc), (3) the support of public bodies through recommendations and by developing public awareness program and (4) the involvement into working groups and think tanks to influence decision-makers at national, European and international levels.

Meet the MerTerre team:

The MerTerre Team. From top left to the down right: Claire, Théo, Florian, Marine Isabelle, William. © Théo Zecchini.

The MerTerre team is composed of 6 people with different backgrounds (marine biology and urbanism, geography, political sciences, earth and climate sciences, accounting, engineering sciences). Every member uses its specific skills to strengthen the association objective to fight marine litter through the different projects.

  •  Isabelle Poitou is the Director and Founder of the association MerTerre. She is the Project Manager within PP7. Isabelle created the association 20 years ago because there was no existing dedicated structure to face marine litter based on centralized and homogeneous datas. She has many years of experience in the field and is recognized as an expert by a large network of public and private actors.
  • Florian Cornu is the communication manager with PP7. In charge of social networks and news reports, he contributes to the outreach of the CAPonLITTER project. He also has a good overview of the different actors of the Region Sud because of its role in the coordination of the regional (ReMed Zéro Plastique) and national (Zéro Déchet Sauvage) networks of actors contributing to waste reduction in their field (participative science programs).
  • Marine Cornuault is the assistant manager of the CAPonLITTER project within PP7. She organizes the different events all along the project. She is also the educational referent of the association MerTerre, the regional and the national platforms. Besides, she co-manages the characterization data from waste collection, and the development of the data part on the regional and national participative science platforms with Théo Zecchini.
  • Théo Zecchini and William Boffy contributes, with the other members of CAPonLITTER to arise ideas for a better realization of the CAPonLITTER project. They also work on the development of a common participatory science tool to signal and identify preferential accumulation areas, wild deposits and illegal dumps. This tool will be integrated on the regional and the national platforms in order to propose an easy-to-use technical solution to coordinate the actors and centralize their data.
  • Claire Monchauzou is the administrative manager within PP7. She oversees the administrative and financial section of the project CAPonLITTER. She is the event and partnership referent within the association MerTerre.

By bringing their expertise, the MerTerre team contributes together to the success of the CAPonLITTER project and its objectives.

Visit MerTerre, ReMed Zéro Plastique, and Zéro Déchet Sauvage websites to find out more about MerTerre’s approach and impact.

Don't forget to follow the Facebook and Twitter of the CAPonLITTER project!