Last Friday, 29 May, the CAPonLITTER Steering Group met online to discuss the adaptation of the project to the COVID-19 crisis.

It was decided that the 2nd Interregional Learning Event (ILE), that would occur next July in Varna (Bulgaria), will be divided in two parts: the first one will be hosted online, at 9 July, and then, the second part will complement the work of the first one, with a posterior trip to Bulgaria, maybe on the Summer of 2021.

The Steering Group meeting during a voting period.

It was also decided that the 2nd Regional Stakeholder Workshops (RSW), that will happen between September 2020 and January 2021 not ht different countries of CAPonLITTER project, will be adapted to online workshops.

Finally, about the 3rd Interregional Learning Event (ILE), that is planned for Septemeber 2021, in Istria (Croatia), it was decided to maintain the plans for a face-to-face event. However, the situation will be evaluated during June and July, to assess this possibility or if it is also necessary to adapt this ILE.

The Steering Group is composed of two members of each project partners and is responsible for steering the direction of CAPonLITTER and making decisions in order to oversee the successful delivery of the project.

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