A new agenda is spreading at lightning speed among companies and organizations in Europe. It goes under the name of circular economy and it aims to give Europe a chance to create a more sustainable and resource efficient interaction between growth and the environment.

Circular economy is about creating an economy where the resources we take in use, are kept in circulation instead of being burned or end their life in a landfill. In a world where resource prices are rising fast, the circular economy model provides cost benefits for businesses. It is also vital that we, as a resource-poor continent, become less dependent on imports such as oil, gas and minerals from abroad.

It is necessary to begin to work in a strategic level for the transition from a linear to a circular and more sustainable economic model. We are therefore very pleased that the meeting that took place in Aalborg on 20-21 September has been a success and has drawn broad attention among participant countries and regions.

Several companies in North Denmark Region have accumulated rich experience in the field of circular economy, and therefore could benefit a wide range of partners and stakeholders from the CESME project. In the interregional project meeting, in addition to the participation of Business Development Centre North Denmark, North Denmark Region and North Denmark Sustainable Network, a wide range of North Denmark companies, including Aage Vestergaard Larsen, Aalborg Portland, NCC, Rockwool and Reno Nord participated and presented their case. For the companies that can see the potential of a green conversion, there may be much to be gained, both in economic and environmental terms. Incorporating the experiences gained is essential for making the transition to a circular economy.

INTERREG Europe programme is the economic foundation under CESME. INTERREG Europe program funds 85 percent of the project. In the first phase of the project, the partners shall, among other things, identify and map "best practices" for resource and energy efficiency in SMEs, in order to develop new tools that companies can use.

For further information, please contact:

Jane Ribergaard Holm, Development Manager, Business Development North Denmark, tel. +45 25 38 22 41, email: [email protected]