The Finnish CESME Partners from the Region of South Ostrobothnia held their 9th Local Stakeholder Meeting in Seinäjoki on the 3rd of April. The meeting focused on updating the progress of the actions included in the Regional Action Plan and it was great to hear how many of the actions have made progress during the last nine months. Some of the actions were also presented by the stakeholders.
In the picture Mrs. Taina Seppälä-Kolkka from the Seinäjoki University of Applied Sciences (SeAMK) presents the LSG the two education projects that were carried out in SeAMK during 2018 and early 2019. It was inspiring to here that both of the projects achieved their goals and that the student’s participating in the projects have been highly interested in the subject and motivated to learn about circular economy even though it’s not compulsory in their curriculum.
In addition, Mrs. Virpi Palomäki presented the progress made in the CE Wood project and informed the LSG about a new project application that was submitted in early March in the regional ERDF project call.