The Region of Central Macedonia in cooperation with ANATOLIKI S.A. organized the 2nd Local Support Group meeting, under the project «CESME - Circular Economy for SMEs». The main objective of the meeting was to investigate good practices and financing tools on Circular Economy.

The event had great success, attending by representatives of the LSG and SMEs, who developed and discussed implementation methods, funding and best practice of circular economy to SMEs.

In particular, the representative of the Managing Authority of Central Macedonia Region presented the financial tools of the operational program of the RCM and generally for the programming period 2014-2020 and held exchange of expertise, experiences and best practices of SMEs and LSG representatives. 

The first presentation was from a representative of the TITAN Group. He presented the production processes, applications and solutions using alternative raw materials derived from waste of other production processes and plants, creating co-benefits and contributing to sustainable development. The next presentation was from the Biogas Lagada SA. The representative presented all the processes, problems and responses during the operation of bio-waste treatment plant for biogas production. The representative of "MEL - MAKEDONIKI PAPER COMPANY SA" highlighted the contribution of the company in the circular economy through recycling and separating solid waste paper, which is available as an alternative fuel in other industries, and through the wastewater treatment plant contributing to the reuse of water in the paper manufacture process. Followed the President of the "Nick Kaisidis Avte", which presented the technical and qualitative information on the collection of raw materials, and recovery of old asphalt materials for the production of the new "eco asphalt". Finally, a representative of the company "KONVA" explained the economic, operational and environmental benefits of recycling of packaging (such as Styrofoam), they receive their raw materials. 

At the end of the meeting, the participants had defined the utilization opportunities of circular economy in Region of Central Macedonia in specific sectors, business units and collectives. 

The project CESME ( funded by the INTERREG EUROPE 2014-2020 program. 

For more information please find attached the meeting presentations here:

A.B.T.E. S.A.



CESME_Managing Authority OP_RCM

CESME_Region of Central Macedonia