Lubelskie Region hosted on 4-5th July a peer review exercise with international experts selected by TCI Network - Clusters3 advisory partner.

Ms Ines Sagrario from Competitiveness, a boutique consulting firm specialized in methodology transfer for cluster-based competitiveness development programs and Mats Williams from WilConsulting AB. They were accompanied by a project partner - Evita Feldberga from the Ministry of Economics in Latvia.    

The two-days peer review included the interviews with representatives of national level and regional stakeholders - cluster managers, producer groups as well as representatives of universities and local authorities involved in network and cluster initiatives. The reviewers had also the workshop with the local team on the regional innovation system and the current situation of cluster development in Lubelskie.

During the peer review exercise the experts had the opportunity to visit Lublin Science and Technology Park - a platform of cooperation between Lublin universities and business and start-up owners.

As a result the reviewers provided the region with a report including observations and recommendations that will be taken into account in the Action Plan.