This presentation was held at the thematic event in Nicosia (Cyprus) on September 26, 2018 and focused on financial aspects of landfill management projects.
Eddy Wille (Public waste Agency of Flanders, Belgium) presented the transition from waste to material management in Flanders and some policy instruments for waste management. This means that in Flanders both landfill management and mining are looked for. The following policy instruments are relevant with regard to landfills:
- Sustainable Materials Act
- Environmental Permitting Act
- Soil (Remediation) Act
- Brownfield covenant Act
- Flemish Flooding risk management plans.
Price setting is often used to stimulate certain routes, e.g. levies are lower when waste streams are separated (to encourage use in the future). The favorable waste management options are in line with the EU waste hierarchy and support the circular economy. Although current landfilling volumes are low, recently approved financial incentives promote revitalization of old landfills.
Interested to read more, you can find the presentation here.