The Municipality of Reggio Emilia, as Lead partner of Compete In, has been invited to attend the Thematic Workshop “Facilitating SMEs to go international, an opportunity to implement innovative solutions, create growth and jobs while providing better services” organised by the Policy Learning Platform on SMEs competitiveness, on 30th June in Bruxelles. The meeting is designed for the thematic community of managing authorities working on SMEs competitiveness and more especially on internationalisation.  

The issues dealt with in the workshop are related to regions’ challenges for needs for adapting the supporting ecosystem to the need of the internationalisation.

Beside a session on DG Grow initiatives on internationalisation the workshop will focus on specific thematic areas like Improved governance and Instruments. A working group on governance will face the following issues: improvement of regional governance models with respect to internationalisation support; capacity building in the project regions and their relevant support organisations; multiple stakeholder approaches to internationalisation. A working group on instruments will tackle the role of regional networks and clusters as instruments able to foster the internationalisation of SMEs.

The Municipality of Reggio Emilia has been formally invited to take part into the Interactive panel discussion on effective approaches, practices and policy measures on internationalisation.