On May 30, 2017 ERVET organized the 5th Local Stakeholders Group with the representatives of Emilia-Romagna Region - Attractiveness and Internationalization Service, CNA, Confcooperative, Irecoop and Confartigianato.

A brainstorming started the evaluation of the good practices for internationalization proposed by COMPETE IN partners and led to a first planning of study visits in partners’ regions and in the Regional territory.

Stakeholders were concerned in participating in most study visits depending on the specific interests of their institution and its beneficiaries. Moreover, they welcomed and appreciated the organization of study visit in Emilia-Romagna Region as an opportunity to promote their best practices and experiences and have a direct exchange with partners and European Stakeholders on their territory.

The study visit in Emilia-Romagna Region is scheduled for the mid of September 2017 and it will be organized by ERVET together with Reggio Emilia.

ERVET, in collaboration with its Local Stakeholders Group, will present and go into depth with partners’ Stakeholders on the following good practices:

• One case of high strategic value investments made by a company as a beneficiary of the Law 14/2014 - Promotion of investments in Emilia-Romagna Region;

• The Emilia-Romagna Region POR FESR 2014-2020 measure supporting consortia internationalization and successful examples at regional level (e.g. fashion and fun Italian export consortia) as possible replicable and transferable experiences;

• Emilia-Romagna Go-Global program as a framework and integration of all actions supporting the internationalization of Emilia-Romagna Region's productive and innovative system.