Compete In visits Gävle, Sweden together with the first snow

Successful study visit organized in Gävle, Sweden with participants from 30 organizations and companies exploring best practices of support for internationalization and networking for future collaborations. 

In the middle of November the project partners of Compete In and stakeholders visited the city of Gävle where the Municipality of Gävle and the Region Gävleborg organized the sixth study visit. We expected the tree days in Gävle to be cold and dark but were surprised by the first snow and even some early Christmas lighting greeted the visitors.

The purpose of the study visits is to provide an on-site learning opportunity for partners and stakeholders and facilitate discussion and enable further analysis. Also to strengthen future networks and collaboration between regions and enterprises. In total there were around 50 people from 30 different organisations such as project partners, stakeholders, businesses and public authority meeting to learn more and to network.

The two day visit involved presentations of the best practices from Gävle and testimonials from local business participating in support programs and benefiting from the regional support for internationalization. To get a fair view of the organization of regional support for business in Sweden the Region Gävleborg also made an introduction of the local and regional ecosystem with national, regional and local actors working together to support small and medium enterprises.

As clusters and research organisations/universities in the ICT field expressed interest in meeting, a side event was organised for these organisations in order for them to get to know each other and discuss possible areas of cooperation.

Three companies, members of the ICT cluster of Reggio Emilia participated in Gävle and B2B meetings with Gävle companies was set up with the help of Future Position X (FPX, GIS cluster).

The reactions from participants and project partners were positive emphasizing on the Swedish method of system approach and the human centered design of the support system.