On 4th of June two best practices of Valencia visited Katowice. 9 representatives of institutions acting in the field of internationalization met to discuss and present the best solutions for enterprises during the process of their internationalization.

For a particular enterprise the expansion of business abroad is a huge challenge. Small and medium enterprises meet various barriers in this field. Substantial contribution is needed and no efficiency granted - they often do not feel strong enough to cope with the whole process themselves.

In order to support our regional companies in their expansion Upper Silesian Agency for Entrepreneurship and Development invited Ivace from Valencia to present their best practices of support SMEs. Xpande is managed by Camara – Valencia Chamber of Commerce and Sicomex - by Arvet Association. Both programmes would not be so successful without cooperation with their other partners.

It was a great opportunity to learn how to work with enterprises in this field, what kind of actions can be taken and what kind of funding they offer. Programmes presented gave us a wide range of information – from objectives, recruitment process, steps to be taken, the whole implementation phase, up to the final financial clearance. The speakers provided comprehensive information about operative details in each programme. It will definitely help our regional institutions while supporting our enterprises in the process of internationalization.

The workshop was very interesting and successful. Thank you Valencia!