Action plan results in Styria
The Styrian Action Plan focuses on the long-term increase of circular economy aspects through positive incentives in construction projects.
The challenge and opportunity faced by the CONDEREFF regions is to accelerate their policy work on improving resource efficiency at territorial level. Τhe EU Construction & Demolition Waste Management Protocol and the transition towards Circular Economy can guide the regulative roll-out of C&D waste management across EU regions; accordingly, the proliferation of infrastructures & methods for recycling and re-use of C&D waste materials can introduce a green growth opportunity. Regions can exploit this opportunity by improving their policy instruments to factor these developments in, and support projects and processes to this direction.
The CONDEREFF project brings together 8 partners from 7 countries to exchange experiences and practices on how to move forward from existing procedures on C&D waste management towards the adoption and further exploitation of the best practices and measures applied in the field. The project will enable the participating regions to advance their goals for resource efficiency and green growth through the proper management of C&D waste, which can boost demand for C&D recycled materials and support both sustainability and recycling in the construction sector.
- 7 Action Plans aiming to improve the 7 policy instruments addressed.
- 3 interregional workshops, 1 exchange of experience visit, and 1 policy & industry symposium
- 42 regional stakeholders meetings
- 7 regional building confidence meetings
- 10 policy briefs to transfer lessons learnt beyond the partnership.
- 1 “track & change C&D waste” toolkit
- 1 compendium of best practices
- 4 joint thematic studies & analyses
Environment and resource efficiency
The DECREE 81/2013 is a regional policy instrument aiming to improve the waste management plan of the Valencia region (PLAN INTEGRAL DE RESIDUOS DE LA C.V. - PIRCV). It includes 8 Annexes (Thematic Areas) which provide a regulative framework for the implementation of the PIRCV plan under Investment Priority 6a, namely “investing in the waste sector to meet the requirements of the Union's environmental acquis and to address needs, identified by the Member States, for investment that goes beyond those requirements».
In particular, CONDEREFF addresses 2 of the 8 Annexes of the DECREE 81/213:
Chapter IV. Specific residues
Article 25. Construction and demolition residues
The DECREE 81/2013 needs to be revised according to the EU C&D waste management protocol, to include provisions for the construction sector providing a regulative framework for a) the improvement of the system of indicators that support monitoring &measurement of the PIRCV with regards to C&D waste management operations, and b) the promotion of public awareness to also include companies & SMEs, accelerating the dynamic involvement of the construction industry in the C&D waste management plans in the region of Valencia.
Thessaly’s OP supports key EU and national development priorities, including "Protecting the environment – Shift to an environmental friendly economy" (ERDF 25.02% of EU allocation), to promoteactions for waste recycling. The OP covers 10 thematic objectives. The 6th focuses on preserving & protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency. The project relevant investment priority under this objective is:
6(a) investing in the waste sector to meet the requirements of the Union's environmental acquis and to address needs, identified by the Member States, for investment that goes beyond those requirements.
Within this context, the OP supports actions such as:
- Promoting recycling by screening waste at source
- Supporting waste treatment & recycling projects
- Supporting projects that develop “green areas” in the region
- Developing the citizens' awareness for recycling & resource efficiency
Projects and actions that support environment and resource efficiency in Thessaly are facing viability challenges, not only due to the outbreak of financial crisis, but also due to the low integration of R&D results especially with regards to construction and demolition waste management. The region of Thessaly needs to develop waste management support services and infrastructures so that they exploit new technologies and models to develop actions and products in this priority area.
The Regional ERDF-ESF programme Rhône-Alpes 2014-2020 aims to boost green economic growth in the region and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. About 30% of the budget is allocated to resource efficiency and more than 10% of the ERDF budget is allocated to urban areas. It is structured around 6 Axes, which include 22 specific objectives corresponding to 10 Thematic Objectives of the Europe 2020. Thematic Objective 6, namely “Protection of the environment and sustainable use of resources”, is included among those selected by the region of Rhône-Alpes.
In particular, CONDEREFF will address:
Axis 2 (corresponding to Thematic Objective 6)
Specific Objective 15: “Increasing the development (meaning “phasing out”) of landfills in the Rhône-Alpes region”
- The ROP needs to be adapted to the EU construction and demolition waste management protocol, since moving municipal waste management up the “waste hierarchy” is essential in order to promote the rapid recycling of the region, while extracting more value from resources, and reducing the pressures on landfills and the environment.
The main objective of the OPE 2014-2020 is to protect and ensure a quality living environment for the inhabitants of the Czech Republic, to promote the efficient use of resources, eliminate negative impacts of human activities on the environment, and mitigate climate change impacts. The OPE 2014-2020 is in line with the EU strategic documents, taking into account the concept of "green growth" to contribute to smart, sustainable growth. It includes 5 priorities, among which the 3rd, namely “Waste and material flows, environmental burdens, and risks”, targets resource efficiency and waste management issues.
In particular, CONDEREFF will address:
Priority axis 3 (corresponding to Thematic Objective 6: Protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency)
Specific objective:
3.2 To increase the share of material and energy recovery of waste
- OPE 2014-2020 needs to be adapted to the EU construction and demolition waste management protocol in order to include relevant measures and descriptions of procedures, especially with regards to a)the selection, permits, and monitoring of C&D waste management sites and facilities, and b) the promotion and incentivisation of re-use of C&D waste.
The ERDF Regional Operational Programme 2014-2020 of the Lazio region aims to boost green economic growth in the region and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. It is structured around 5 Axes that correspond to 10 Investment Priorities.
In particular, CONDEREFF will address:
Axis 3: “Competitiveness”, in the context of which the ROP supports investments in "Industrial ecosystem" referring to waste management as a fundraising area of innovative economic operations and opportunities for all involved agents in the process. In particular:
ACTION 3.3.1: supporting the competitive repositioning, the capacity to adapt to the market, attractiveness for potential investors, in Ecologically Applied Production Areas (APEA), which take into account inertia management as a factor of economic development.
- The ROP needs to be revised in order adapt to the provisions of the EU construction and demolition waste management protocol, since investing in C&D waste management is essential in order to rapidly extract more economic value from the recycling of waste and the recapitalisation of resources, increasing the competitiveness of the region. So far, there are not any specific provisions regarding C&D waste management in the region’s ROP. Therefore it needs improvement in order to accelerate the region’s green growth though targeted investments and improved governance.
The policy instrument aims to boost green economic growth in the Styria region and contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 targets for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. The national programme has 6 priority axis. The 4th is dedicated to Sustainable urban development. It addresses Thematic Objective 6 “Preserving and protecting the environment and promoting resource efficiency”, and in particular Investment Priority –“6e implementing measures to improve the urban environment, revitalization of city centers, renovation and decontamination (including conversion areas)”.
In particular, CONDEREFF will address:
Priority axis 4
Specific Objective 2.A.3 “Sustainable Urban Development under Art. 7 ERDF Regulation”
The policy instrument needs to be adapted to the EU construction and demolition waste management protocol, since promoting municipal waste management in the building sector can act as a great contributor in supporting sustainable urban development in the region through the implementation of relevant solutions in renovation, demolition and of course construction sites. So far there is no specific provision regarding waste management and the policy instrument needs to adapt relevant and specific measures especially with regards to the construction sector, and in particular for the selection, recycling and re-use of C&D waste materials.
The “Guidelines for the production and use of quality control and recycling construction material in Saxony-Anhalt” is a regional policy instrument aiming to improve the market acceptance of recycled building materials in the region. It is structured around 3 modules, which fall under Investment Priority 6g «Supporting industrial transition towards a resource-efficient economy, promoting green growth, eco-innovation and environmental performance management in the public and private sectors».
In particular, CONDEREFF will address:
Module 1
Recommendation: Use of mineral waste and by-products as quality-controlled recycling construction materials in technical buildings in Saxony-Anhalt
- The Guidelines need to be adapted to the EU construction and demolition waste management protocol, in order to enrich resource efficiency provisions for the construction sector in the region, addressing in more specific terms public administrations, recycling construction building materials producers and builders.
- The Guidelines need to be improved in order to include provisions and procedures that provide framework for the recycling of mineralicwaste which is used as substitute resource for future economic activities in Saxony-Anhalt.
The Styrian Action Plan focuses on the long-term increase of circular economy aspects through positive incentives in construction projects.
The Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes action plan is composed of two actions, both of which have been 100% completed.
As part of Czech Republic action plan, RRAPK has focused on support of municipalities, entrepreneurs and region of Pardubice.
The implementation of the Action Plan prepared by the Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV) as part of the CONDEREFF project is coming to an end.
A technical report, published end of 2022 by CIRIDD, provides an update on the situation of the built heritage sector in Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.
The event was attended by all project partners and Athanasios Moras, Regional councillor of the Thessaly Region, as a special guest.
In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes, building renovation stakeholders discuss the new extended producer responsibility (EPR) for building waste.
In Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes (France), building renovation stakeholders discuss the PEMD diagnosis (products, equipment, materials and waste)
The Polytechnic University of Valencia hosted the final dissemination event of the CONDEREFF project
Critical issues hindering a widespread construction and demolition waste recycling practice in EU countries and actions to undertake: stakeholder's perspective.