CREADIS3 was presented in the framework of the TEH Conference 85, held from 24 to 27 May in Bilbao. Trans Europe Halles (TEH) is the European network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists. TEH has been at the forefront of re-purposing Europe’s industrial buildings for arts, culture and activism since 1983. As of 2018, TEH brings together nearly 90 multidisciplinary cultural centres and other cultural organisations from across Europe. Currently, Factories of Imagination: Investing in Cultural Changemakers is the most significant project for TEH that aim to support non-governmental cultural centres in becoming more resilient and internationally connected.

Last 26th May CREADIS3 was presented during the session Creation Spaces in Basque Country, dealing with the identification and debate about the current opportunities and obstacles for a less individualized and a more reticular management of the creation spaces.

After the contrast carried out by the different participating work groups with local and international agents, they extracted conclusions and proposals to develop in a near future. These work groups were:

  1. Coworking and Entrepreneurship
  2. Spaces assignment and residencies
  3. Advanced Services: advice and coaching, training, internationalization
  4. Internal Resources: technical, staff training, communication

More info on TEH 85

More info on Creadis 3: from creation spaces to network

More info on ZWAP