On 10th May 2018 the Slovak Republic held the 3rd stakeholder meeting.

First a presentation of the results of the Action Plan of realization of Strategy of CCIs Development for the period 2016-2017 in the Slovak Republic was made. The Action Plan contained 37 specific tasks that implementation was from 2016 to the end of 2017. The aim of theAction plan was to stimulate creativity, to develop a creative environment and to focus on the systemic and cross-sectional perceptions of the creative economy as an integral part of the national economy, including the premise that culture is not only identity but also prosperity. Also an overview of priorities and measures was presented: 

  • Priority no.1: efficient system for the development of the creative industry  
  • Priority no. 2: quality human resources  
  • Priority no. 3: increasing the absorption market capacity
  • Priority no. 4: support financing instruments

11 of these tasks were completed, 5 of these tasks were notcompleted, and 21 are still in progress. The main problems of the implementation of the Action Plan were identified in its evaluation and next steps were also set such as yearly monitoring of the tasks still in progress and creating a new Action plan. 

Later on, a presentation of the current state of the CREADIS3 project took place. The focus was put on the study visit in the Slovak Republic held on 20. - 21. March 2018 and other activities included the finalization of the first outputs of the Project, such as Mapping 1 and 2 and Report on Territorial Diagnostic.

Also a presentation of the first CREADIS3 project outputs was made:

  • CCIs Mapping 1: Competences per administrative level in the Slovak Republic
  • CCIs Mapping 2: Regional creative ecosystem in the Slovak Republic
  • Report on Territorial Diagnostic on CCIs in the Slovak Republic

During the meeting the OMC Report - The role of public policies in developing entrepreneurial and innovation potential of the cultural and creative sectors was presented. 

EU publications - The role of public policies in developing entrepreneurial and innovation potential of the cultural and creative sectorsis a document made by tne OMC (Open Method of Coordination) working group of Member States’ experts.  

The innovative power of the cultural and creative sectors is essential for the further development of European economies and societies, because it: - generates well-being and cohesion; - shapes the public space used by millions of Europeans; - modernises industries and business sectors with new creative input and methods; - provides meaning and a feeling of belonging; - upgrades urban and rural areas; - designs our products and services; - produces and digitises content; - enriches our visual experiences; - provides content for debates.

Finally, the next steps within the CREADIS project, namelly the study visits in the Basque Country in July and in Wallonia in November were mentioned.